Tuesday 13 September 2011

FOs, almost-FOs, WIPs, and stash!

I've been fairly busy with my knitting lately. Still, it's nothing to brag about, unlike before.

I made a pair of monkeys for my mother.

I finished a drop stitch scarf for my hairdresser

I knitted a Steggie for my son (but the zipper still needs to be sewn on)

I started knitting a blanket for my brawlin' grandma:

And I started a Tempting sweater for myself, on which I'll be adding the cables modification.

I also went to the Knitters Fair in Kitchener, which is the largest knitting festival in the country. Over 70 vendors, and all knitting related. I picked up some yarn from my friend Cindy, and from Shall We Knit.

Here's some yarn porn:

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